4 Best Bike Tools to Have For Flats on Any Ride
Unless you have tubeless tires, punctures can occur that will steal your joy, endanger you and the group's safety. It's always a good idea to have a gs don't go as planned. Here are the three finest bike tools/items to have on hand for degood set of bike tools on hand for any bike trip or group ride in case thinaling with a flat tire. For any bike trip or cycling group ride , it's best to have a good set of bike tools handy for when things don't go as planned. Here are the 3 best bike tools/items you should have on your bike for dealing with a dreaded flat. You might have to use them more than once, so make sure to keep them your bike saddlebag or on your bike at all times. These tools will make your riding journey much more enjoyable! Tube Spares
Let's start with an obvious one: the spare innertube. Unless you're using tubeless tires, you can occasionally experience punctures that will not seal no matter what you do, so having an inner tube on hand will save your ride. Pro tip:  wrap your spare tube in a small ziploc bag so that you can roll it tightly to save space while also protecting it from getting entangled or broken. Levers for Tires Get a flat and you have chilly fingers or fresh tires, they can be difficult to remove, so having a pair of tire levers will make life a lot easier. As for the ones to get, we recommend getting some plastic ones because they won't damage your rim and are also lovely and light. Compact Bike Multitool A lightweight, compact multitool is worth the gold in Fort Knox. This tool worth purchasing for your bike if you need to repair a flat tire, adjust your seat, tinkle with your brakes, set your derailleur right and even open a bottle of bear. Most multitools have a pair of hex/allen keys, a Phillips-head screwdriver, and a chain breaker can help you fix whatever's broken. It also can come with a bottle opener. This swiss-army bike toolkit is a great choice for all riders! Bike Pump/CO2 Cartridges Portable hand pump - can be found a local bike shop or online - is an ultra compact design fits into many seat packs and jersey pockets. Alternative: Have you seen those small silver bullet CO2 Cartridges that can be to inflate tires really quickly on the side of the road? Check out this quick proper way to use a CO2 cartridge to inflate your bike tires video: