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8 Yoga Stretches Every Runner, Triathlete & Cyclist Must Know

Yoga can help athletes improve their physical and mental focus. Athletes who practice yoga stretching develop increased body awareness, which can help them cope better with intense physical stress. Yoga can also help runners deal with anxiety and depression . As an energizing and relaxing activity, yoga can help athletes calm their nerves. 8 Yoga Stretches Every Runner, Triathlete & Cyclist Must Know Happy Baby [Tribe Favorite] Lie on your back with your knees bent at a 90-degree angle into your chest. With your peace fingers, grab your big toes, open your knees to the sides of your torso, and then bring them up toward your armpits. You can rock side to side here while breathing and playing for as long as you want. Child’s Pose This gentle hip stretch is frequently used to rest between poses. Kneel on the ground. Bring your big toes behind you and touch them. Sit back on your heels, and spread your knees slightly wider than your hips. Exhale by laying your upper body between your thighs and stretching and resting your arms out long in front of you. Stay in this position for 30 seconds to a few minutes, breathing deeply. Pigeon Pose Pigeon is one of THE MOST TELLING & CHALLENGING yoga move that every cyclist, runner and triathlete should know about and do often . Pigeon pose also stretch out/lengthens the hip flexors. It also loosens your glutes and piriformis, a small muscle behind your gluteus maximus. If you're not feeling comfortable in pigeon the first few times - trust us that is normal! It's your body's confirmation that you are tight all over your core. Come into Downward-Facing Dog Pose for this classic hip stretch. Extend your right leg behind you, high. Then, through your arms, bring that leg forward toward your hands. Place your right knee on the floor just behind and to the left of your right wrist, shin on a diagonal, and heel pointing toward your left frontal hipbone. Extend your left leg behind you and place your foot on the mat. Maintain your right foot flexed and gradually lean forward over this leg as far as you are comfortable. Hold the position for 15–30 seconds. Then, on the opposite side, repeat. Seated Forward Bend (Wide-Angle) Tip: Members in our tribe used the above modified version by adding a pillow/towels to get in this seated forward position work for this) while sitting, widen the legs into a V-shape for this hip stretch. Extend your thighs so that your knees are pointing straight up at the ceiling. As you slowly lean forward and walk your hands forward between your legs to whatever length is comfortable for you, flex your feet to keep the legs activated. For one minute, hold. Buddha Bound Angle Pose While sitting upright, bend your knees and pull your heels as close to your pelvis as you comfortably can from a seated position, then drop your knees out to the sides and press your feet together. Hold this position for 1–5 minutes. Wheel Pose [Attempt With Caution] Lie on your back with your knees at hip-width apart. Bend your elbows and bring your hands overhead, palms just above your shoulders on the mat, fingertips pointing toward your feet. As you lift your torso off the floor and toward the ceiling, press down into your feet and palms. Take three deep breaths and hold them here. Tuck your chin into your chest and slowly lower yourself back down from this hip-opening stretch. Low Lunge Take a big step forward with your right foot, keeping your feet hip-distance apart. Bend your front leg and lower your back knee to the mat. Slowly move your hips forward to feel a stretch in your back leg's hip flexor. Hold for 15–30 seconds before switching legs. Low lunge - helps also to relieve back pain and open up the hips after a long ride in the drops on a road bike or in the super closed off aero position of a Tri Bike. Pain in the back knee is a common reason runners and cyclists struggle with this pose. If you have a knee issue, resting your back leg down onto your knee can be painful. The more you practice the pose, the less pain you'll feel from time to time. It could be that you're simply not used to putting pressure on the knee. Lizard Pose Lizard is another great stretch for tight hips. With your left leg forward, perform a Low Lunge. Bring your hands to the inside of your left foot and gradually lower them to your forearms. Breathe while pressing your left heel down. Continue to take several deep breaths before shifting to your right side. Best Yoga Stretching Technique For Endurance Athletes Keep your muscles flexible and strong, says Yoga Instructor & Cyclist Tonya Smith . In addition to swimming, biking and running faster and longer, it may help you to age more comfortably and prevent injuries. What Are the 7 Best Guidelines For Yoga Stretching ? Respect Yourself and Your Boundaries .
To feel a mild tug while stretching is normal, but if you feel any harsh pulls, back off. Remember to be patient and to stay in your comfort zone at all times.
Make Use Of Different Approaches .
Stretching may need to be postponed if you have injuries or excessively tight muscles. Spot massaging the region with a trigger ball or gun and applying ice to it might help you heal more rapidly.
Warm Up .
Static stretches are best done after a workout when your muscles are warmed up and ready for them. Prior to a training session, walk for a few minutes to get your blood circulating if you are stiff or cold.
Breathe .
Your breath is the only thing you need to pay attention to. Breathe in sync with your motions and your breath. As you tension each muscle before stretching, take a deep breath in. Take a deep breath out as you relax and extend.
Cool Down.
Before putting down your running shoes, take a few minutes to stretch your muscles. Having a regular routine will pay off in the long run.
Move with Ease.
Muscle pull and tears are caused by bouncing. Continue at a moderate and steady pace, if possible. Hold stretches for about 30 seconds while remaining motionless.
Add strength training into your routine. When you train your muscles to work against an opposing force it will help you get greater results.

8 Yoga Stretches Every Runner, Triathlete & Cyclist Must Know
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