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USAT Safe Return To Racing CheckList For Local Races

Updated: 1-20-22

It's time to get outside! Spring will be soon be upon us and races are back on line with modified covid contingency plans - which - is better than having no race at all. We are ready to get back outside to swim, bike, run and enjoy everything the season has to offer just like you are we bet. What better way to celebrate the return to near normalcy than racing and appreciating local races! Be sure to check out USAT's checklist below for everything you and multisport athletes need to be aware of to get back to racing. As the multisport community and endurance sports industry considers returning to racing in 2021/2022, USA Triathlon has launched the Safe Return to Multisport initiative, a unified approach to work toward safely opening the sport to the public. These guidelines, recommendations and resources will help athletes, race directors, coaches, clubs and officials prepare for a return to racing while remaining consistent with guidance from federal, state and local authorities, and aligned with local circumstances. Download the Race-Day Checklist for Athletes to ensure you are prepared for your next multisport event on race day. This checklist has been developed to provide guidance to athletes and is part of the complete guide produced by USA Triathlon's Return to Racing Recommendations for Athletes. Athletes are encouraged to refer to the checklist while preparing to train and race again. The USAT Return to Racing Recommendations for Athletes are for athletes interested in beginning to train and compete again once live races resumes.

They shared with Race Directors that these guidelines and recommendations have been developed by experienced athletes, race directors and medical experts relying on expert resources such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and sport-specific guidelines developed by the United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee (USOPC) and the International Triathlon Union (ITU). Here is some of the information included in your USAT Return To Racing Guide (Race Prep Checklist) KNOW BEFORE YOU GO: ‡ Know quarantine guidelines ‡ Know the symptoms of COVID-19 ‡ Consider the possible risks you might encounter during travel ‡ Don’t travel if you are sick or are with someone who is sick ‡ Determine if you are at higher risk for severe illness and if you are, don’t travel ‡ Consider who you are traveling back to and what risk you might be exposing them to ‡ Consult your event’s website and email communications for COVID-19-related adjustments ‡ Review the USA Triathlon Return to Racing Recommendations for Athletes and USA Triathlon Return to Racing Training Program WHAT TO EXPECT AT EVENTS: ‡ Physical distancing and increased hygiene measures ‡ Many events may screen for COVID-19 symptoms including fevers of 100.4 degrees F and greater ‡ Athletes with symptoms may be referred to event’s medical team and/or city’s local health care system for further evaluation ‡ Athletes, staff, and volunteers who arrive to an event with symptoms and are deemed to have possibly had recent COVID-19 exposure may be asked to leave ‡ Spectators, family members, coaches, and support teams may be restricted from attending ‡ Many facets of the event may operate differently, including event schedule, registration, packet pick-up, bike check-in and check-out, body marking, race-start procedures, wave sizes, course operations, aid stations, finish line, post-race food, and award ceremonies. ‡ Events may have limited support available before and during events. Athletes are encouraged to bring their own hydration, nutrition, bike repair kits, and other supplies for self-support. ATHLETES SHOULD CONSIDER BRINGING ADDITIONAL ITEMS: ‡ Face coverings (consider having multiple as backups) ‡ Disinfectant wipes ‡ Hand sanitizer ‡ Cycling repair kit ‡ Fluid and nutrition replacement ‡ Plastic bags for removal of personal items We're also excited about our calendars starting to fill up with all the multisport races & events to come this summer/fall in the ATX area. If you are coming out to our 2022 Austin's Women's Duathlon and 5K Trail Challenge Event - be sure to use this checklist in your prep for race day. Can't wait to see you guys out on the course!

USAT Safe Return To Racing CheckList For Local Races
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