Have you heard? We are planning our inaugural Chucks & Pearls Trail 5K & 10K Race Event. It’s an event to celebrate Women and their achievements. Bonus -it’s also Mothers day weekend so we expect a wide and varied group of running race participants. Let's take a minute and define what or who exactly is a runner?
Runner Definition = If you use your legs or special devices to propel you forward in place of your legs (for those differently abled) to navigate outdoors for fitness, fun, to improve health or love getting chased by zombies - you are a runner. That includes speed walkers, slow walkers, joggers, woggers, sprinters, marathoners and trail runners who utilize run/walk intervals. Running & Walking for fitness is very much a lifestyle choice that gets you hooked. It’s a hobby that permeates your everything - how you sleep, eat, poop, order on Amazon & Dicks Sporting Goods, organize your social calendar and can even play a big factor in your vacation planning.
Runners and Speed Walkers are an unusual , nuanced bunch, that have appreciation for some very specific things in life.
Our team started discussing all the things runners & walkers absolutely love and came up with scenarios of - You know you're a runner when...
As a runner/walker, each of these things listed below will likely ring true or hold a very special place in your heart.
65 Things Runners Love & Quirks Of The Running Lifestyle
If you can relate to anything on this list, recognize you are a runner.😁
You secretly race the neighbor on Strava/Fit Bit
Look forward to post race beer
Running in the rain/snow makes you a badass
You used a band-aid to prevent blisters or on strange places on your body
You foam roll
You sign up to run races just for the medal
You have stride, fartlek, & shakeout runs for breakfast
Runs anywhere & at any time
Love great podcasts to listen to on runs
Addicted to ordering new gear - clothes, shoes, accessories
You wear bright colored knee high compression socks - even under regular clothes
Free race entries make for the best gifts
You have special sports bras for bounce reduction
Avoid cotton workout clothes like the plague
You own at least 59 gazillion pairs of different running shoes. (ok at least 3)
Thoughts of crawling, wogging, and dragging yourself across a finish line trumps a DNF
Coffee! Preferred liquid fuel to get you going.
Make social/work plans based on your training schedule
You would pay $10-20 for a pair of socks
You get excited for fully stocked aid stations
You own a Garmin/have an app for tracking all your runs
Own a camelbak
Enjoy post race pizza
Runs to reduce Stress
You know at least 2-3 ways to tie laces
Farting without judgement - even in group runs
Earned/Unexpected PR’s -call for an IG photo shoot
You run before dawn/after dusk with blinky lights and headlamps
You have a finish line pose
Early morning runs are your jam
Running on splashy muddy trails is happy hour for you
You "hydrate"
Runners high
You have planned a Racecation (vacations spots based on your race registration)
You have thought about wearing running shoes with your wedding dress
You are happy when your run buddy’s have PR’s
You freak out when you have an injury or niggle that causes you to miss a few runs
That new shoe smell - inspires you to go for a run
You would buy a functional shoe if it was ugly and made you faster’
Worn a hydration belt on a long run or marathon race
Make running playlists on Spotify
Eating and eating - always hungry
Great pair of socks makes you run faster
You run in even when wicked heat/rain/snow/wind is forecasted
Have 13.1 or probably also 26.2 running bumper stickers on your car
Compliments- love them from other badass runners
Your off days are called “Active - Recovery”
You own a medal rack
Wear flip flops when not in tennis shoes
Your laundry bin has a 8-1 ratio of running clothes to work clothes
Running Shorts & Tights - all the colors and lengths
You invite all your friends to come run with you to have more running partners
You have used GU or Cliff Gels for “fuel” at least once
Bonding with friends during a long run is a thing
Talks about running - to everybody
When someone says weekend - you immediately think long run
Peanut butter is a staple
Eat oatmeal for breakfast
Have a favorite Visor
You see hills and you cuss
Stuck in traffic you calculate if you could run to work & get there faster than driving
Out on the trails - you have special spots for nature calls
You would buy a functional shoe if it was ugly, comfortable & did not give you blisters
You lay out your run outfit before a race and take a “flat” pic for social
Nunn is stocked in your pantry
One of our favorite parts about the running community is that we all share numerous things in common albeit most folks haven't met. People that we run with out on the trail or part of our online fit tribe - all have similar quirks, habits, and jokes that the non-runners in our lives likely find annoying.
Seeing other runners at a race, during a running group training run or throughout the social web community reminds us that there's a reason and a place for our madness. We all share an excellent deal of affection for our sport (okay, obsession could be a far better word), and love the pure joy from calling ourselves a runner or badass walker.
Hope to see some of you all out at our upcoming in-person 5K & 10K running event in the Austin, TX area or out on the hike& bike trail soon. 👟🏃🎉