Cycling can be so fun and liberating! But for some ladies - it can be a cause of pain & misery.
We've run across so many of our training buddies who are cyclists and triathletes that are experiencing some unfriendly things in their gardens of edens. Conversations like this occur often amongst training partners: [Names have been changed for privacy purposes and integrity of comments are original & unedited}
Carla Hopkins - August 25, 2020 · Cycling Discomfort Problem Question
I’m posting a personal question regarding cycling and lady parts. I’m curious- have any of you developed changes in you labia from increased riding? I’ve been riding a bit more and feel like I’m getting callouses from chaffing or just more riding....
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Daniela Bonner - reply First two things to check are saddle and fit. Even though my fit and saddle are great for me, riding the trainer occasionally gives me problems because it’s different than being on the road for position, etc. I have never used chamois butter, but I know that’s something that can help for some
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Sara Morton
This and the right bib, I went through tons and there is only 1 brand with a nice thin chamois that doesn't cause me immense pain
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Nancy Eddinberg
When i first started riding, i didn't know anything about a proper saddle.... lesson learned 😂. After my first 62 mile ride, I had to keep so many ice packs "down there" and peeing was painful. ↤↤↤↤↤ . ↦↦↦↦↦
Katy Long
My friend's gyno noticed when she switched saddles. It's a thing! You're not alone.
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Carla Hopkins
It’s weird. Gyno appointment next Tuesday..
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Marla Craig
Sara Morton what brand do you use? I'm having such a hard time finding a pair of shorts that don't chafe
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Cheynne Smith
Chamois butter can be helpful. I used it a lot especially after not being on my bike for awhile.
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Lori Zimmerman
Saddle, shorts, chamois cream, and most importantly, get a professional bike fit.
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BJ BoyMom Sly
Ok, this is extreme, but this is my story. I thought I had a saddle sore or ingrown hair on my labia. Got new bibs, new saddle, new bike fit. Nothing helped. I went to the APRN at my OBGYN office. She determined it was a cyst, not to worry about it, if I wanted it removed I could schedule it.
We followed the it for 1.5 years. After IM last year, I was noticing it was more uncomfortable when I was biking as well as running. Had it removed January of this year and it turned out to be a rare tumor called aggressive angiomaxoma.
Most cases it’s benign, but it’s rare, not a lot of studies on it. I was shocked the MD was shocked. It took 2 more surgeries to make sure the margins were clear. There’s a very low chance it will come back and it’s not known to metastasize. Just take care of yourself and always get things checked out.
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Cameron Klein
Also, a simple thing, make sure you change shorts to running shorts between segments, running in my bike shorts always does bad things to me.
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Finding the Perfect Saddle & Cycling Shorts Combo

Proper saddle height is key to ultimate comfort and power on every ride.
When your saddle is set to the proper height & position for your style of riding you’ll reap the benefits of increased comfort, decreased knee pain, and more power in every pedal stroke.
The right Women's Cycling Shorts & Bibs is a game changer for endurance riders. The thickness of the padding, the type of chamois, and seams make all the difference in the world when it comes to comfort.
Having your saddle at the proper height is a game changer for endurance riders. The thickness of the padding, the type of chamois, and seams make all the difference in the world.
Having your saddle at the proper height is critical for comfort, but if you notice soft tissue pain where your body meets your saddle, chances are your saddle is not the right fit or type for your body composition. We have learned that the right combo of saddle type, position and cycling shorts can help alleviate discomfort. We have so much to share on this topic that this blog post won't do it justice. Let's continue this topic on an online conference meetup this weekend.
SwimBikeRun Fun along with a few awesome Coeur Sports Ambassadors is hosting a Cycling Clinic apply titled: No More Angry Kitty & Monkey Butt Cycling Clinic. Topics on how to adjust your seat, various types of shorts, saddles and top 3 things you can do immediately to increase your ride comfort will be covered in this Ladies Virtual Cycling Clinic.